Charitable Gaming

Charitable Gaming License Information

2018 Legislative Changes: House Bill No. 2194, an act relating to instant bingo vending machines was passed. Check back periodically for forthcoming updates.

The prize limit for regular call bingo games in a session will be $1,580 effective July 1, 2024.

Conducting of bingo games and raffles is limited to non-profit religious, charitable, fraternal, educational and veterans organizations.

The license period for all charitable gaming licenses runs from July 1 through June 30.

Bingo Application Fees

  • Bingo Organization = $25
  • Bingo Distributor = $500 an additional $1,000 bond is required.
  • Bingo Premise = $100

Raffle License Fees

If annual (July through June) gross receipts exceed:

  • $25,000 but do not exceed $50,000 = $25
  • $50,000 but do not exceed $75,000 = $50
  • $75,000 but do not exceed $100,000 = $75
  • $100,000 or more = $100

Gross receipts are based on the sale of raffle tickets only.

New application

All license application questions must be answered. The Charitable Gaming Administrator reserves the right to request additional information or deny the application. Definitions of the five types of nonprofit organizations can be found in the Charitable Gaming Statutes. The organization must inform the Charitable Gaming Administrator within 30 days of any changes in the information supplied in its most recent new or renewal application.

To apply for a charitable gaming license online, sign into the Kansas Department of Revenue Customer Service Center.

Bingo Forms




Raffle Forms

Each nonprofit organization must apply for and receive a charitable raffle license at least 30 days prior to selling raffle tickets.

Handbook and Newsletter

Listings of Licensed Bingo Organizations and Distributors

Mailing Address

Charitable Gaming
PO Box 750680
Topeka, KS 66625-0680

Physical Address

120 SE 10th Ave
Topeka, KS 66612-1103


785-368-8222, option 5, then option 4


Frequently Asked Questions

These represent the most common & general questions received for Charitable Gaming. For specific information regarding bingo and raffle, please refer to the Charitable Gaming Handbook located here.

Any organization who is conducting call bingo or instant bingo games. Bingo licenses can only be obtained by a qualified nonprofit organization.

Each charitable raffle applicant whose gross receipts from the sale of raffle tickets, for a fiscal year (July 1-June 30), exceed $25,000. Raffle licenses can only be obtained by a qualified nonprofit organization.

Bingo games and charitable raffles can only be managed, conducted or operated by a qualified nonprofit organization. Qualified nonprofit organizations include:

  • Nonprofit religious organizations.
  • Nonprofit charitable organizations.
  • Nonprofit fraternal organizations.
  • Nonprofit educational organizations.
  • Nonprofit veterans’ organizations.

All persons working or assisting in conducting a call or instant bingo game must be at least 18 years of age.

There is no age limit to play call bingo games. However, the licensee may establish a minimum age restriction. For instant bingo (pull-tabs), the person must be 18 years or older to purchase the ticket(s).


Yes. All revenue collected from holding call bingo and/or instant bingo games must be deposited separate from any other monies being deposited.

Under the constitutional amendment approved by the voters of Kansas only a qualified nonprofit may legally conduct raffles in Kansas. This would not be legal.


The organization must contact the Kansas Department of Revenue. This will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Each licensed nonprofit organization that conducts raffles must include the following information on each raffle ticket:

  • Name of the licensed nonprofit organization;
  • Kansas raffle license number of the licensed nonprofit organization;
  • The word “Raffle”;
  • Date, time and location of the raffle drawing;
  • Price of the raffle ticket;
  • A statement indicating if the participant must be present to win; and
  • A unique sequential identification number on the raffle ticket and the raffle ticket stub.

Each raffle ticket shall be offered for the same price as that for every other raffle ticket being sold for the same charitable raffle. However, any licensed organization may offer a discount for the purchase of two or more raffle tickets as long as that discount is offered to all persons wanting to participate in the raffle.

All tickets shall be paid for in advance by cash, check or credit card. Credit may not be extended for the purchase of tickets.

Yes, raffle tickets can be sold online but must still meet all other requirements.

Yes, provided that the recipient of the prize is at least 21 years of age.

The Kansas Department of Revenue recommends raffles containing firearms be finalized through a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL). The check performed by the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (not FFL) protects both the charity and the winner by checking the ability of the winner to possess the firearm. You may call the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives at 816-410-6000 and ask for Industry Operations if you have further questions regarding the FFL process.

Yes. Tickets sold for a 50/50 drawing must meet all raffle ticket and licensing requirements.

Yes, each school within the district is considered a separate entity when conducting a raffle. School districts are required to meet all raffle licensing and ticket requirements.

The Queen of Hearts raffle is legal when the following criteria is met:

  1. Each drawing is considered a separate and individual raffle and a prize must be awarded.
  2. The prize is cash, merchandise, or something of value that may be legally owned as defined in K.A.R. 92-23-73(i).
  3. The prizes are clearly defined at the beginning of the raffle. The organization must list and display what the grand prize is as well as what the prizes are for any other card that is drawn. This list must be updated when any of the prizes are changed.